Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Vmou Solved Question - Answer

Question Paper

VMOU Computer Science
Question Papers



Get Programming with c++ and java Question paper with answer

Question Paper Answer

VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year-103 OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA - June-21

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q1)

Question 1?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q2)

How do you add a class or an interface to a package? Explain with an example.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q3)

Explain Structure of C++ Program, with suitable diagram and example.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q4)

What is a friend function in OOP? write a program in C++ to swap value of two different classes using the friend function?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q5)

Why do we need to use constructor ? explain with suitable examples.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q6)

What is Inline Function? How is it different from Macro? Explain with examples.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q7)

What do you mean by function overloading? Explain with Examples?
फंक्शन ओवरलोडिंग से आप क्या समझते हैं? उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q8)

State four differences between interfaces and classes with suitable examples.
उपयुक्त उदाहरणों के साथ इंटरफेस और कक्षाओं के बीच चार अंतर बताएं।

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q9)

What is exception handling? What are the types of exceptions? Write a code to handle array out of bound exceptions.
अपवाद हैंडलिंग क्या है? अपवाद कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? Array out of bound अपवाद को संभालने के लिए एक कोड लिखें।

Question Paper Answer

VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year-103 OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA - June-19

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q1)

Question 1?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q2)

Explain function overloading in C++ Which suitable example.
C++ में फंक्शन ओवरलोडिंग को उपयुक्त उदाहरण के साथ समझाइये।

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q3)

Describe concept of multiple inheritance with suitable example in c++.
उपयुक्‍त उदाहरण के साथ सी++ में मल्‍टीपल इनहेरीटेंस को समझाइए?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q4)

Demonstrate any one binary operator overloading in c++ with suitable example.
C++ में बाइनरी ऑपरेटर ओवरलोडिंग को उदाहरण के साथ दर्शाइयें?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q5)

Explain the concept of new and delete in C++.
C++ में न्‍यू एवं डिलीट कीवर्ड के कन्‍सेप्‍ट को समझााइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q6)

Explain the purpose of using interfaces(सारांश) in java.
जावा में इंटरफेस(सारांश) का उपयोग करने के उद्देश्य की व्याख्या करें?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q7)

Describe the concept of constructors in java with suitable examples.
जावा में कंस्‍ट्रकटर को उदाहरण सहित समझाइयें?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q8)

Explain the usage of public, private and protected in java.
जावा में पब्लिक, प्राइवेट व प्रोटेक्‍टेड के उपयोग का विवरण बताइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q9)

Describe the usage of any four methods in string class in Java.
जावा में स्ट्रिंग क्‍लास के किन्‍हीं चार मैथडों के बारे में बताइए?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q10 (i))

Write a program in Java to demonstrate the concept of multithreading using Runnable interface.
जावा में मल्‍टीथ्रे‍डिंग यूजिंग रनएवल इन्‍टरफेस को दर्शाने के लिए एक प्रोग्राम लिखिए?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q10 (ii))

Write a program in c++ to check the entered number by the user is prime or not.
सी++ भाषा में एक ऐसा प्रोग्राम बनाइए जो डाली गइ् संख्‍याओं का विश्‍लेषण कर बता सके कि वह संख्‍या भाज्‍य संख्‍या है या नहीं? ?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q11 (i))

Explain the concept of checked and unchecked exceptions in java using suitable examples
चैक्ड व अनचैक्ड एक्सेंचप्शन को जावा में उदाहरण सहित बताइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q11 (ii))

Explain the concept of file handling in c++ using suitable example.
सी++ में फाइल हैण्डlलिंग को उदाहरण सहित समझाइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q12 (i))

Write a program in C++ using templates to find the maximum of two values.
सी++ में टेम्‍पलेट का प्रयोग कर दो संख्‍यायों में बडी संख्‍या ढूढने का प्रोग्राम बनाइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q12 (ii))

Explain the concept of inner classes with suitable examples in java.
जावा में इनर क्‍लास को उदाहरण सहित समझाइयें?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q13 (i))

Explain the concept of life cycle of an applet in java.
जावा में एप्‍लेट लाइफ साइकल को समझाइये?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU June 2019 Q13 (ii))

Write a program in c++ to find the entered year is leap year or not.
सी++ में लीप इयर जांचने का प्रोग्राम बनाइये?

Question Paper Answer

VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year-103 OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA - December-19

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU Dec 2019 Q1)

All Questions of Question No.1
Oops Programming with C++ and Java

VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year-104 Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q1)

Answer of All question 1 to 8?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q2)

Dec-2019(2) How Exceptional handling is done in VB. Net?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q3)

Dec-2019(3) What is menu strip. Also explain the procedure to create menu strip.?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q4)

Dec-2019(4) Give difference between C++ & VB. Net. Also Explain IDE. ?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q5)

(5) Explain followings i) Just in Time ii) Events?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q6)

Dec-2019(6) Write note on followings i) Meta data ii) API & OLE ?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q8)

Dec-2019(8) What is SDI and MDI? Explain in detail?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q9)

Dec-2019(9) Explain various dialog boxes with properties & methods?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2019 Q10)

Explain followings i) Data Table ii) Data Adaptor iii) Data Set iv) OLEDB/SQL command ?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA December 2017)

Differences between ASP.NET and Client-Side Technologies / Client Side Scripting vs Server Side Scripting ?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA June 2019 Q9)

June-2019(9) What is data binding? How it is used in VB.Net?

Programming in Visual Basic and Dotnet (VMOU PGDCA June 2019 Q8)

June-2019(8) Explain with example how you pass an array to procedure?

VMOU Solved Question Papers


VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year -102 Software and web designing

Application Software and web designing (VMOU PGDCA June 2018 Q4)

What is the purpose of absolute and relative address in Excel? Illustrate with example. एक्सेल में एब्सोल्यूट और रिलेटिव एड्रेस का उद्देश्य क्या है? उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।

Application Software and web designing (VMOU PGDCA June 2018 Q9)

What is the rule of cell addresses while applying the formula in MS Excel explain with suitable example? एमएस एक्सेल में फॉर्मूला लागू करते समय सेल एड्रेस का नियम क्या है, उपयुक्त उदाहरण के साथ समझाएं?

Application software and web designing (VMOU PGDCA December 2018 Q3)

what is relational algebra? explain with union and intersection with example? रिलेशनल एल्जेबरा क्या है। यूनियन एवं इन्टरसेक्शन ऑपरेटर्स को उदाहरण सहित समझाइए?

Application software and web designing (VMOU PGDCA June 2018 Q2)

What is DTD? difference between external and internal DTD? डीटीडी क्या है? बाहरी और आंतरिक डीटीडी के बीच अंतर?

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - December 2018 Q5)

if A={1,3,5} and B={2,4,6} than A-B=? B-A=?

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - December 2018 Q9)

Write HTML code to set an image as background and display some text in any colour other than black.फोटो को बैकग्राउंड के रूप में सेट करने के लिए HTML कोड लिखें और काले रंग के अलावा किसी भी रंग में कुछ टेक्स्ट प्रदर्शित करें।

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2017 Q2)

When to use Pivot Table Report in MS-Excel? Write the steps to create a Pivot Table Report in MS-Excel

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - December 2017 Q8)

What are the applications of MS-Publisher? Explain in detail(MS-Publisher के अनुप्रयोग क्या हैं? विस्तार से व्याख्या)

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2016 Q4)

What are the basic printing options provided by MS Power Point. एमएस पावर पांइट सॉफ्टवेयर द्वारा प्रदान किये जाने वाले बेसिक प्रिन्टिंग ऑप्‍शन कौनसे हैं

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - December 2019 Q9)

Difference between XSL and CSS ?. एक्सएसएल और सीएसएस के बीच अंतर?

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q9)

DExplain logical structure of XML? ?. एक्सएमएल की तार्किक संरचना की व्याख्या करें?

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q7)

Differentiate between Datasheet View and Design View?. डेटाशीट व्यू और डिज़ाइन व्यू के बीच अंतर करें।

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q5)

Explain column constraints with example? कॉलम प्रतिबंध को उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - december 2019 Q4)

Write HTML code to create a login form as shown below: User ID, Password, E-mail address:, Gender: Male O Female O , SUBMIT? लॉगिन फार्म बनाने के लिए एचटीएमएल में कोड लिखें

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q3)

Write HTML code to scroll news from bottom to top on a webpage. ? बेब पेज पर इमेट एवं टेक्‍स्‍ट को स्‍क्रॉल कराने के लिए एचटीएमएल कोड लिखें।

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q2)

What are the difference between where and having clause of sql? Sql मे Where and having क्लॉज़ मे क्या अंतर है|

Application software and web designing (VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year - June 2019 Q2)

Difference between char and varchar2 data types? char और varchar2 डेटा प्रकारों के बीच अंतर?