Monday, 16 December 2019

Annual GST Return: Working for annual GST return Gstr9 and Gstr9C full details

Annual GST Retrun:-

In this article i am given you two important sheet. These sheet will be very helpfull for all the taxpayers who are liable to file annual GSTR9.

if you are not liable to file gstr9 then also you have to check your liability that may be further imposed on you at the time of assessment. So prepare your GSTR9 for every taxpayer and to file gstr9 is choice of taxpayer but must be paid liability by every taxpayers.

1. In which first sheet about design of working out from books.
2. Second is the Excel Return format of GSTR9.

You can design your gstr9 as per books sheet in given template of excel GSTR9.

Download above both excel files

Download GSTR2A Reconciliation Utility
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