Monday, 11 January 2021

Understand Tally Erp9 / Tally Prime / Tally Developer Concept of Simple UDF with practicle & assignments

 Understand Tally Erp9 / Tally Prime / Tally Developer Concept of Simple UDF with practicle & assignments


Use:- UDf is used to store values parmanently in tally database associated with related object.

Types of Udf

1. Simple UDF: Used to add columns and store values in existing table of object.

2. Aggregate UDF : Used to add complete table with columns and row with assiciated internal object.

[System : UDF]

 <Name of UDF> : <Data Type> : <Index Number>

<Index Number> can be any number between 1 and 65536

The index numbers 1 to 29 are already used for Default TDL*/

;Simple UDF

[#Part: LED Mailing Address]

Add:Line:After:LED Mailing Address:addharno


Field:longprompt, adharnum

Local:Field:longprompt:Set as:"Aadhar No."


Use:Name Field

;Set as:"123456789012"




;==========end of code==============



=============Practice Assignment===========

;Add three lines i.e.  Vechile Number, Transporter Name, Lr Number before Narration of sales voucher



[#Part: DBLLINE Narration]

    Add                  : Line : Before : Vch Narrprompt :addharno