Sunday, 28 April 2019

Print / Prepare all expenses vouchers from tally within 5 Minutes | Tally New aasan Master trick

Now you can print your all expenses voucher with using this tdl. Not only you can print vouchers for audit but also you can also decide your design for voucher yourself.

Here all simply three steps

Step 1
1. Download this tdl from below given link
2. Activate downloaded tdl in tally
3. Check tdl effects in tally Gateway of tally > after quit menu
4. You will get all expenses payment vouchers detail for voucher creation

Step 2
1. Export report in Excel
2. Changes / delete record from excel as per your requirement
3. Save Excel file

Step 3
1. Create Beautiful design of voucher as per your need
2. Decide paper size
3. Mail merge using pre created excel sheet
4. Generate all vouchers

Step 4
1. Print all vouchers or save file for future printing

For complete information watch following video

Download Now